Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sri Sri on Love

"when there is so much love, you take total responsibility for any misunderstanding. for a moment you may express dismay on the surface. but when you do not feel that dismay in your heart, you arrive at a perfect understanding. you are in a state where all problems and all differences slide away and only love shines though.

usually we are stuck in our differences because we have lost sight of ourselves. in the name of love we try to manipulate and control the other person. it is natural that when we love someone, we want them to be perfect.

that is when when you love someone, when you are close to the, you find faults in them. but finding faults destroys love and instead of helping to fill the holes we run away. when you love someone and see their faults, stay with them and help them fill the holes. this is wisdom."

"if love is based on the qualities of a person, that love is not stable. after some time the qualities change and the love becomes shaky. loving someone because they belong to you, great or otherwise" is unconditional love.

knowledge, along with sadhana, seva, satsang help to engender a sense of belonging. when love springs from a sense of belongingness, then the actions and qualities do not overshadow the love. neither qualities or actions can be perfect all the time. only love and a feeling of kinship can be perfect."

"only one who has renounced can truly love. to the degree you have renounced, to that degree will you have the ability to love.

true love is not possessive; it brings freedom, and renunciation is nothing but freedom. only in freedom can love blossom fully. when you are in love you say,"i want nothing; i just want this," renunciation is, "i do not want anything. i am free." in love there are no other needs. renunciation is having no need.

only renunciation can sustain love and joy. without renunciation love turns into misery, possessiveness, jealousy and anger. renunciation brings contentment and contentment sustains love. without renunciation one gets discontented, frustrated, sad, fearful, suspicious, analytical."